Paradise by the Dashboard Light
by Nic
Sep 4, 2010


About this Style
It was long ago and it was far away
And it was so much better that it is today

It never felt so good
It never felt so right
And we were glowing like
The metal on the edge of a knife

Paradise is sort of a funny song, focusing on the heat brashness of teenage lust. So I kind of did a youthful vibrant HA to focus on the excitement and thrill of the opening, with dark to highlight the ending. (over thinking it, just a bit) I really wanted to use the new eyes and make them look less creepy, so I toyed with layers. In yet another invasion of brights, I really like the way the colors pop in places. I think I abuse these lace up boots.

Thanks to Landriona for loaning me the wig.

Paradise by the Dashboard Light

Tags: 2010, Black, chic, CHICbot, Delish Mocha, Delish Pi, denimz, Flashback, GA, Maid and Butler, Meatloaf, OLL, September 2010, Sheer, Southern Belle, Traditional Vetan Basket, Vintage Camera, Wig